Thursday, August 3, 2017

Working on the School Orchard

At the end of last term a very enthusiastic group of students from Rooms 14, 15 and 16 spent a morning moving bark chip into the School Orchard.

The bark chip was in the car park and the students needed to get it to the orchard. Luckily Ken was there to help. He gave all the students buckets and scooped up the bark chip into each of their buckets. The students then carried them to the orchard and spread the chips over the beds and paths where we don't want the weeds to grow.

I wonder how many trips each of the students made from the car park to the orchard. I wonder how heavy each of the buckets were.

A big thank you to all the wonderful student helpers and Ken!

Here are some photos of some of the student helpers working hard!

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Science Roadshow

It has been an exciting start to Term 3, we had the Science Roadshow visit Meadowbank School and all the classes got to explore and be introduced to how exciting science can be.

Here are some photos of our fun and some stories written by Room 16 children.

Also a comment from a Parent Helper: 

Yesterday I was one of the fortunate parent helpers who got to attend the science roadshow in the school hall with our classroom.  The kids have no doubt told you about it.

Anyway, it was AMAZING!  Very briefly, it is an interactive roadshow that was set up in the school hall, with a combination of talks and kids going between interactive display activities and discovering all manner of things.  It is run by a trust that is promoting science and technology concepts.  Here is a link to more information:

The show started with an introductory talk, but I spent most of the time outside with William (my 1 year old) so didn’t get to hear it.  The second part was a “free for all” where the kids could explore and discover anything they wanted.  The biggest hit was the hovercraft and there were long lines for this one!  But there were lots of other fascinating interactive displays and the kids really got into it.