Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Our Assembly

Last week was our Room 14, 15, and 16 assembly, here are the photos of our Orchard exploring and a few videos of the actual assembly. We enjoyed showing the School our learning about sustaining the Orchard and what we can get from our Orchard. Our songs were fun to learn and we also did some acting about recycling and our school bins. Here are some comments from Room 16 children:

There were fruits and vegetables and speakers, I had fun and I was a cauliflower which is a vegetable - Lucy

I felt like it was fun, I liked doing the little dance when we stood up in the song - Blake

There were lots of fruit and vegetables, we did two songs and I felt good- George

The assembly was very cool because I like to dance, it made me very happy when I got the certificate- Bruno

It was fun because I got to read out my story- Natalie

It was fun because I always wanted to talk in assembly, I got to say birthday children please stand - Ruby

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Swimming and Stepping out Programme with Constable Gordon

This term we have been very busy. Over the last couple of weeks we had our swimming lessons and our stepping out programme with Constable Gordon. Here are some photos of swimming and some writing about what we learnt during those lessons.
 Stepping out